Rancho Cucamonga Traffic Violation Lawyer
Fighting Traffic Tickets in San Bernardino County
Our traffic ticket attorney in San Bernardino County can help you if you have been accused of:
- Speeding
- Reckless driving
- Running a red light
- Running a stop sign
- Racing on public streets or highways
- Driving with a revoked license
- Driving with a suspended license
- Driving without insurance
In San Bernardino County, you can receive traffic tickets for a number of various traffic violations including:
- Speeding
- Overdue parking meters
- Failure to yield
- Ignoring stop signs or traffic lights
- Improper lane changing
- Failure to use turn signals
- Illegally parking in a handicap spot
- Driving with burned out headlights
When you are convicted of a traffic offense, you will have a point added to your DMV record unless you successfully complete traffic school for that particular offense. With points added to your record, you could be facing higher insurance rates in addition to the fines you owe the courts. The Rancho Cucamonga traffic attorney at the Law Offices of Brian E. Skibby can help you fight traffic violation charges and can keep points off of your driving record. You can save yourself money, time, and stress by having Brian Skibby represent your traffic case.
Received a traffic ticket in San Bernardino County? Call the office in Rancho Cucamonga at (909) 695-0095.
Can I just pay my ticket and not go to court California?
In many cases, you can pay your traffic ticket without going to court in California. The process is commonly known as "traffic school bail" or "bail forfeiture." It's a straightforward way to resolve the ticket without having to appear in court.
Here's how the process generally works:
- Check Eligibility: You should first investigate whether your violation qualifies for "bail forfeiture." Some violations, such as more serious offenses, may require a mandatory court appearance, so simply paying the fine is not an option.
- Review the Ticket: Your traffic ticket will have information on how to pay the fine. It will include the amount of the fine, the due date, and the methods of payment accepted (e.g., online, by mail, in person).
- Payment Options: Many counties offer an online payment system where you can enter your citation number and pay the fine using a credit or debit card. You can send a check or money order along with the ticket to the address provided on the ticket. Some counties allow you to pay in person at the court or a designated payment location.
- Keep Records: It's essential to keep records of your payment, including receipts or confirmation numbers, in case there are any discrepancies later on.
- Traffic School: Taking traffic school might prevent the violation from appearing on your driving record and resulting in higher insurance rates if you're eligible. The purpose of traffic school is to educate you about safe driving practices. The traffic school will cost you in addition to the ticket fine, but the violation might not appear on your record after you complete it.
- Verify Closure: After making the payment, you should verify with the court that your case has been closed. This can help ensure that there are no misunderstandings or potential issues in the future.
Remember, it's crucial to follow the instructions provided on the ticket and on the official court website to ensure you are following the correct procedures for paying your ticket. If you have any doubts or concerns, you might want to consider consulting with a San Bernardino traffic ticket lawyer for clarification.
Let Us Handle Your San Bernardino Traffic Violation
Failing to pay your traffic tickets in San Bernardino or Rancho Cucamonga can result in a bench warrant for your arrest. It could be something as simple as a clerical error, you were mistaken, you forgot, or a number of other things that could be the reason why the ticket is showing up as unpaid. If there is a bench warrant out for you arrest, it is serious and you should contact a Rancho Cucamonga criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible for legal help.
Whether there is a warrant for your arrest or you feel the charges against you should be reduced or dismissed, our criminal defense Attorney Brian Skibby can provide you with effective legal representation. He has been serving clients in Victorville, Rancho Cucamonga, and the surrounding areas for more than 25 years.
Don't fight your traffic ticket alone. Retain the help of our skilled traffic ticket lawyer in San Bernardino County by calling (909) 695-0095 today!